On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 08:01:51PM -0500, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 12:16:44AM +1100, Ben Burton wrote:

> > The consequences I see are as follows.  Say a user doesn't have
> > libqt3-compat-headers installed (since there's no obvious reason to have
> > it installed; none of the usual -dev packages depend on it).  They
> > download a random Qt/KDE application to build, and it doesn't compile.
> > They're confused, since it builds everywhere else under Qt3.  After some
> > rummaging around, they discover that oh, on a *debian* system you need the
> > extra libqt3-compat-headers package.  The user installs
> > libqt3-compat-headers so that it builds properly, and if they're nice
> > they'll even notify the upstream developer that their application uses
> > legacy headers.

> I do not think that the package split makes sense.

> It is not justifiable to burden Debian users and Debian package maintainers
> with these legacy issues.  A deprecated header file should issue a #warning
> explaining that it is deprecated (and, ideally, what replaces it).  Simply
> breaking the builds of a lot of existing software (packaged and not) does
> not make sense here.

Even better, if you look inside the replacement headers, you'll find
that the *official* headers contain backwards-compatible #defines for
all of the deprecated classes.  So you can #include <qmemarray.h>, and
continue using QArray as your class type.

So what do we gain by weaning developers off the old headers again?

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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