can't install LILO

1997-11-11 Thread Ken Deboy
Debian. I made sure I turned off all the anti-virus stuff under DOS, too, just in case before booting Debian from floppy and running LILO. Thanks... Ken Deboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

How can I use base floppy set to get module support?

1997-11-10 Thread Ken Deboy
base floppy set? Can I just add it to what I already have or do I need to reinstall? If I need to reinstall, how do I make sure that I can load the ppp module so I can use it to ftp stuff that won't fit on a floppy? Thanks... Ken Deboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILIN

why the different liloconfig?

1997-11-09 Thread Ken Deboy
OS to boot and booting a default if I don't respond after a certain time like my RedHat system did (the version of liloconfig they have offers options like this). Can you please tell me how to set up lilo to do this under Debian? Thank you. Ken Deboy [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS