I found a workaround, learned from my windows experience: I reinstalled
edgy and it works :-/
I know that's not a scientific way to resolve this bug, and I would have
liked to know what happened on the first install. I just used the same
procedure for both!
The only thing I can add: this is not a
>does running gnome-settings-daemon by hand after the startup works
yes. Following lines are written in the console:
Rrdb: "*Label.background" on line 243 overrides entry on line 170
xrdb: "*Text.background" on line 249 overrides entry on line 211
xrdb: "*Label.foreground" on line 255 ove
Sorry, I forgot the errors lines written by the last "gnome-settings-
daemon" command:
(gnome-settings-daemon:5108): GSwitchIt-WARNING **: Unable to connect to
dbus: Unable to determine the address of the message bus (try 'man dbus-
launch' and 'man dbus-daemon' for help)
** (gnome-settings-daem
I have this bug too. The behaviour is like markba's one. So I don't know
where I can find logs about the error reported in the message box. Can
experienced users guide me to find more informations?
scole evoked dbus: I found the error message (Did not receive a
reply...) in a dbus source code file