[AMD Official Use Only - General]
We did crisis recovery and Opal HD password unlock from S3 resume from SATA HD
test on two different version of AHCI host controllers.
-Original Message-
From: Wu, Hao A
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2023 10:30 PM
To: devel@edk2.groups.io; Hsu
[AMD Official Use Only - General]
Timothy will answer the question.
From: Chang, Abner
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2023 10:05 AM
To: Kinney, Michael D ; devel@edk2.groups.io
Cc: Bi, Dandan ; Gao, Liming ;
Kirkendall, Garrett ; Kinney, Michael D
; He, Jiangang
Subject: Re: [edk2-devel] [PATCH
[AMD Official Use Only - General]
Hi Hao,
Yes UsbHcUnlinkMemBlock() call should be uncommented.
for (Block = Pool->Head->Next; Block != NULL; Block = Pool->Head->Next) {
UsbHcUnlinkMemBlock (Pool->Head, Block);
UsbHcFreeMemBlock (Pool, Block);
[AMD Official Use Only - General]
UsbHcFreeMemBlock()->IoMmuFreeBuffer()->mIoMmu->FreeBuffer(), which may end up
calling PeiFreePages() depending on gEdkiiIoMmuPpiGuid implementation. Surely
both will work since UsbHcFreeMemPool() can't be interrupted by any service
call to use the memory just
[AMD Official Use Only - General]
Yes, it is the same issue discussed in
for (Block = Pool->Head->Next; Block != NULL; Block = Pool->Head->Next) {
// UsbHcUnlinkMemBlock (Pool->Head, Block);