> It does occur to me though that if you have it open in M$word at the time
> that you're rendering it, that might cause an issue with overwriting.
Thanks, this should be the issue. Maybe I should render into *.docx and *.html
and use the HTML document in my workflow.
Dr. Johannes Hüsing
Thanks for checking.
I am getting the following reaction:
> rmarkdown::render("u:/R/wurschtel/overwrite.Rmd")
processing file: overwrite.Rmd
2/2 [unnamed-chunk-1]
output file: overwrite.knit.md
"C:/PROGRA~1/RStudio/RESOUR~1/app/bin/quarto/bin/tools/pandoc" +RTS -K512m -RTS
Dear all,
I would like to render an *.Rmd file into a word document, running R on
Microsoft Windows, without having before to delete a file with the same name
and path as the file I want to render into.
Are there preamble settings or render() parameters which allow me to do so?
Best wishes
Dear all,
I declared some ligatures, which led tot he lines:
'(("<-" . 8592)
("%>%" . 8658)
("%<>%" . 8660)
("%T>%" . 129107)))
shown in the entry within (custom-set-variables). When opening an *.Rmd file, I
see no effect of this declaration, the symbol
Dear Vincent,
I installed the package en passent while working, and was able to continue
working without any problem, re-definition of paths or what have you.
Many thanks for catering for our needs!
Dr. Johannes Hüsing
Landeskrebsregister NRW gGmbH
Gesundheitscampus 1
When I worked with SAS, I used ESS for handling SAS in batch mode. This was
working perfectly for me. Among the upsides I remember were automatic
indentation, output files saved while running the process, and a clean slate of
settings each time I re-ran the script.
ESS for SAS was a higher prod
Thanks, Tyler, for the directions, which made me burn office hours while
looking fort he optimal font face.
One of these faces seems to be assigned to documenting the contents of a
tidyverse object. Via the link you can find the face used for printing a data
frame vs printing a tibble. The latt
Mark, thanks for this hint, which reminded me to check the entries in my
.emacs.d/init.el file.
> I set the R version using something like this in my init file:
> (setq inferior-ess-r-program "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.3.1/bin/x64/Rterm.exe")
I commented out (setq inferior-ess-r-program "C:/Progra
put it on the path,
Windows key -> Edit the system environment variables -> Environment
variables... -> Double click Path -> add C:\Program
Files\R\R-devel\bin\x64 or whatever
On Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 3:07 AM Hüsing, Johannes via ESS-help
> Dear ESS-helping crowd,
> fo
Dear ESS-helping crowd,
following the advice on https://r-pkgs.org/setup.html, I installed R version
4.3.1 for MS Windows from CRAN.
How do I communicate to ESS that a new version has been installed? I read the
advice on
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