pf or ipfw within a jail?

2011-05-06 Thread Mickey Harvey
Is it possible to run pf or ipfw within a jail? I am running 8.2 and have vimage compiled in the kernel. ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-jail-unsubs

Jail starts but doesn't start

2011-05-04 Thread Mickey Harvey
Hosts /etc/rc.conf 1. ifconfig_bge0="inet netmask" 2. defaultrouter="" 3. sshd_enable="YES" 4. 5. linux_enable="YES" 6. zfs_enable="YES" 7. jail_enable="YES" 8. jail_list="www0 dns0 smarty0 centos" 9. 10. ifconfig_bge0_alias0=

starting jails hangs during boot

2011-04-22 Thread Mickey Harvey
When I boot up my host rc hangs at "starting jails:" indefinitely. If i Control^C during the hang boot continues as usual so I login ,run jls and the jail appears to have started correctly. I can login to the jail as usual using "jexec 1 sh". I'm using 8.2-RELEASE i386 on a VirtualBox VM. My rc is

limiting jail size

2011-04-21 Thread Mickey Harvey
I was wondering if there is an easy way to limit the amount of hard drive space a jail can take up. Say I have 20 jails on a system would this even be possible? ___ mailing list

jail rc

2011-04-21 Thread Mickey Harvey
This might be more of a question about how rc works instead of being entirely jail specific but here goes: I am trying to start a jail using the jail command such that it appears on the command line as "jail /path/to/jail hostname /bin/rc". I am expecting it to just start the jail and r