I just filed this bug:
#14963: ghci -fdefer-type-errors can't run IO action from another module
It seems like -fdefer-type-errors and ghci just don't get along at all now.
But on the good news side, ghci reloading a changed module in 8.4.1 is
Ok, done, I created https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/14964
But first:
On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 3:26 AM, Simon Peyton Jones
> score max mb total mb prdderive lily perform
> ghc
> 6 72.26 3279.22 0.88 0.79~0.84 0.70~0.74 0.31~0.33
> 8.0.
That’s truly great information, thank you. Could you start a GHC ticket for
it? Stuff gets lots in email, less so in tickets.
The big take-away I got from your message is this:
score max mb total mb prdderive lily performghc
6 72.26 3279.22