Sergey writes:
> Today, there came the letter by Joe English on space leak etc.,
> dated of February 06.
> And today is February 22.
> I wonder, what is the matter with the mail lists.
This was due to the filtering on, which thought the message
contained an admin request (un
Joe English writes:
> [...] ought to run in space bounded by the depth of the tree
> (which for XML documents is typically not very deep).
> This turns out not to be the case; testing with Hugs
> invariably fails with a "Garbage collection fails to
> reclaim sufficient space" on even
I may be able to give him a project. I need a report which combines information from a
SQL database with information from an LDAP directory. Can you give me some dates when
he would be available? Our IPs get paid about £10k pa but they have to sort out their
own accomodation.