[Histonet] Frozen tissue from Immunofluorescence

2021-09-10 Thread O'Neil, Beth A. via Histonet
Would anyone be willing to share with me what you do with residual frozen tissue from immunofluorescence testing or frozen tissue remaining from muscle biopsy? CAP requirements only address what you do with residual frozen tissue remaining from intraoperative consultations. We keep the frozen

Re: [Histonet] Happy Retirement, Tim

2021-09-10 Thread Terri Braud via Histonet
Wishing you all the best in your retirement, Tim. In reading your history in Histology and EM, I can see how your experience has led to so many wise, educational posts on the Histonet. As others have also expressed, I hope you will continue to be a contributing part of the Histology world. T