[jQuery] jQuery + PHP MCV Framework

2008-01-15 Thread dynegara
Hi guys, is anyone there using jQuery with php mcv framework like CodeIgniter / Cake ? how do you guys solving the problem url param generated by jquery example: abc.php?c=controller&m=methods&p1=var1$p2=var2 into abc.php/controller/methods/var1/var2 any tips will be very useful for me. thx

[jQuery] traditional query string format vs mcv format

2008-01-12 Thread dynegara
hi guys, I'm using php mcv framework incorporate with jquery. Is there any plug-ins or a way to make jquery understand natively mcv format in ajax's url ? what i mean is, if i have kind of like this script: $.ajax({ url:someurl.php, type:'GET', data: {c: 'controller', m:'methods', p1:'param1',