The second one is not a Stephen Pearce the tail shape is quite different -
here a link to a picture of one of his:
I can't quite tell from the picture - is there a little groove round the top of
the h
Could these be part of a game? - YES! they are more likely Mahjong
counters than they are lace making bobbins. The Chinese didn't make
lace...they did amazing embroidery.
As someone pointed out there is fabric or cord in some of the holes. I'd
think they were beads attached to a bit of clothing
Of course this all falls down when you consider Buck thumpers...
Why? Many of my "South Bucks" style bobbins are quite small and light in
weight, much smaller than those often thought of as "Thumpers", and of course
none of them have the weight of a spangle. Also, often the old spangles
I have a wide collection of spangled midlands(many of them painted by our
CelticDreamWeaver and I cherish them!) and continentals that I have
collected over the years. True that the painted and decorated bobbins(both
midlands and continentals) do get a lot of my attention when lacing. But I
do con
Bone bobbins are my favourite and I have managed to collect quite a few over
the years and in all that time I have only ever broken one as a result of
dropping it on my tiled kitchen floor. I have had wooden bobbins snap off at
the neck too. My advise would be to collect the type of bobbin that
On Jul 21, 2008, at 23:58, Elizabeth Ligeti wrote:
I love the smooth silky feel of bone bobbins, - but can't afford them
often, unfortunately.
Ditto on both -- I adore bone bobbins but can't really aford them. It's
just as well that my favourite bobbin maker (Neil Keats, in Oz), who
apparently the honiton bobbins needed to pass through the fabric!
jenny barron
Well I would have liked to see that. ;-)
Shirley in Corio Oz.
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Dear Brian,
My DH is digging up yard at Rose St., Chippendale for building on, he
has found bits of pottery, glass & tiles etc.. shall I get him to dig
deeper to find some bobbins??
Barbara, Parkes, Australia.. where the current dust storms and locust
plague are preventing one uncovering the lace p