[lace-chat] Looking for quilling supply vendors in UK

2007-06-27 Thread spindexr
Dear spiders, I'm hoping that one of our UK Arachnes can help me. Does anyone know of a good, reliable, mail order source in the UK for quilling supplies, scrapbooking supplies, etc.? My husband is going to England in August and I'd like to avoid paying the high postage for having things shippe

Re: [lace-chat] Language problem

2007-06-27 Thread spindexr
That saying was a new one to me, but I found it on the urban dictionary site: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cut+eye "To glare at someone with such angry ferocity that your eyes become little more than slits" Avital - Original Message - From: Sue Babbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED

[lace-chat] Language problem

2007-06-27 Thread Sue Babbs
Hi I've been listening to some American books on tape recently while making lace, and don't understand a frequently used phrase. The speaker is a lady from one of the southern states, and she uses the phrase "she cut her eyes at ..." to refer to some sort of way of looking at someone, and I won