When you say "counters updated by AM", do you mean
(a) the Job Counters or
(b) counters written by a custom AM that extends MR AM?
If it's (a), the only way is for the Task to use JobClient API to get those
counters. For this to work in secure clusters, you will have to get YARN RM
+1 Binding. Thanks all who contributed to the release.
+ Download sources and verify signature.
+ Build from source and ran docker-based ad-hot security tests.
++ From 1 datanode scale to 3 datanodes, verify certificates were correctly
issued when security enabled
++ Smoke test for both non-secu
Hi all,
I understand that task counters are updated by tasks, and they can be seen
by the AM only. The counters information go in one direction (Tasks --> AM)
My question: Is there any way where I can let tasks see some task counters
which are updated by the AM (Tasks <--> AM)?
Thanks for building this RC Ajay.
+1 binding.
- verified signatures and checksums
- built from source
- deployed to 3 node cluster, tried out basic operations
- ran smoke tests
- ran unit tests
- LICENSE/NOTICE files look ok
There is an extra file in the source root named JenkinsFile.
> On A
For more details, see
No changes
-1 overall
The following subsystems voted -1:
asflicense findbugs hadolint pathlen unit
The following subsystems voted -1 but
were configured to be filtered/ignored:
cc checkstyle
For more details, see
No changes
-1 overall
The following subsystems voted -1:
asflicense findbugs hadolint pathlen unit xml
The following subsystems voted -1 but
were configured to be filtered/ignored:
cc check