> your problem but if it is you can increase the timeout. I've also seen it
> when streaming files, in which case the solution is to make the workers
> asynchronous (-k gevent). Going from memory here so no promises.
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 12:08 PM, loevdav > wrote:
gt; hth,
> ken
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 6:06 AM, loevdav > wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> Thanks a lot for the reply:
>> Here are the logs:
>> *Error log*
>> [2016-07-01 10:30:43 +] [3496] [CRITICAL
scripts on some very
> low-power hardware, including raspberry pi and virtualboxen with 500MB RAM,
> My guess is this is not an issue of resources.
> Can you share the relevant Django logs that coincide with your bad
> gateway? They may provide insight.
> -ken
I got a lot of bad gateway on my sites build with mezzanine.
They are hosted on a virtual server.
I have added more ram but still got the issue (but with less occurrences).
Previously I was using Apache (without issues) to deploy sites but lately
I have been using Mezzanine deploy s