[mou-net] Belated Report? I-35E Eagles Build new nest...

2013-01-27 Thread Holly Peirson
Noted late last week: (but other birders may have already reported on this phenomenon...) The eagles who have nested for years in a tree on the east side of I-35E, just south of the merge with I-35-W, have built a new nest in the same tree!! Both nests are quite huge and clearly visible in win

[mou-net] Another N Shore "Jim Lind" Boreal Owl

2013-01-27 Thread sparky stensaas
Jim Lind strikes again! Or was it Sharon ...or Charlie? They found a Boreal Owl today along Scenic Hwy 61 about 0.4 mi E (north) of Homestead Rd near Fire# 5740/5744. This is just W (south) of Stoney Point between Duluth and Two Harbors. The bird was on the N side of the road. Many were able

[mou-net] FW: Red headed woodpecker

2013-01-27 Thread Jeanie Joppru
Jeanie Joppru Pennington County, MN > -Original Message- > From: steve hettig [mailto:stevehet...@hotmail.com] > Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2013 6:42 PM > To: ajjop...@mncable.net > Subject: Red headed woodpecker > > > we have a juvenile red headed woodpecker in our backyard, >

[mou-net] St. Paul Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

2013-01-27 Thread linda whyte
Conceding to the need for exercise, we ventured out on a neighborhood walk just ahead of the precipitation, and were able to see the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker in Lombard Woods, coming to backyard feeders. We were watching a suet feeder, but the one in view seemed empty. Instead, it appeared as if th

[mou-net] Morrison County Evening Grossbeaks.

2013-01-27 Thread Frank Gosiak
Finally, found Evening Grossbeaks in Morrison County. Coming in to a feeder W of the Cushing Church North of Little Falls on Hwy10. The owner will call back if he sees them again. He has seen them 3 times before . Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Arch

[mou-net] White-winged Crossbills in Edina

2013-01-27 Thread Joel and Lisa Swanstrom
I came upon a surprise while walking the dog today. About five crossbills were on the snow bank and let me get a good look. Then a whole flock flew out of a nearby tree and they all went off to who knows were. I guess I should always have my binoculars on walks. I was assuming they were house f

[mou-net] International Festival of Owls [No Sighting]

2013-01-27 Thread Alan Stankevitz
The 11^th Annual International Festival of Owls will be held March 1-3, 2013 in Houston, MN. Featured speakers will include World Owl Hall of Fame award winners Dr. Wolfgang Scherzinger from Germany, Dr. Lucia Liu Severinghaus from Taiwan, and if all goes well, Francis Kithure from Kenya. Othe

Re: [mou-net] Tips for finding Boreal Owls?

2013-01-27 Thread Bruce W. Stahly
Having seen 5-6 Boreal Owls here at my house (near Grand Marais) over the years, here is what I have noticed: In the daytime, they like to perch in a conifer, 6-8 feet from the ground and about 8-10 inches from the trunk. They are usually well hidden, and their camouflage and size makes them d

[mou-net] Bald Eagles on territory Ramsey County

2013-01-27 Thread Manley Olson
About 3:30 yesterday I saw 2 adults perched in the tree where eagles have nested for several years. The tree with the old nest very visible is on the south side of Highway 36 near the intersection with Highway 61. The view is better from the eastbound lane of 36. Had not seen birds there recen