My fault - it is a typo, instead of dealer_type_name, I should have
written PRIMARY KEY (`dealer_type_id`,`dealer_type_id`). I don't know
how it was possible to import this table to the same version, but it is
not a right syntax. Change it to PRIMARY KEY (`dealer_type_id`).
My fault about not replying to the list. What is the cause of this extra
line? is this a mysqldump bug in that older version of MySQL? how come I was
able to export and import this DB in the same version but different
platform? Any ideas?
On 1/17/06, Gleb Paharenko <[EMAIL PROTECTE
Sorry for such a late reply. The problem is in the duplicate line
`dealer_type_name`. Remove one of these lines. Please, always send
a copy of the message to the list. Most probably somebody whould have
suggest you the same, if you had posted you mail to the list as well.
Please, provide the peace of the dbname.mysql file with lines around 574
cybermalandro cybermalandro wrote:
> I have a dump from a database in a FreeBSD box with MySQL version 4.0.20 and
> I am trying to import this dump to a mysql DB server which runs gentoo and a
> MySQL version o
I have a dump from a database in a FreeBSD box with MySQL version 4.0.20 and
I am trying to import this dump to a mysql DB server which runs gentoo and a
MySQL version of 4.0.24 but when I tried to do mysql dbname < dbname.mysql I
get this error:
ERROR 1060 at line 574: Duplicate column name 'deal