simple double match
MATCH (p:Professor)<-[:STUDENT_OF]-(s:Student)
WITH p, avg(s.grade) as grade
MATCH (p:Professor)<-[:STUDENT_OF]-(s:Student)
WHERE s.grade > grade
RETURN p,collect(s) as students
better collect + filter
MATCH (p:Professor)<-[:STUDENT_OF]-(s:Student)
WITH p, avg(s.grade) as gr
Sorry, it's a bug we fixed in 3.0.2 I think.
Please upgrade to 3.0.4
then all of that should go away and you should be able to run your imports with
1-2G heap.
Your page-cahe should be fine around 1-2G you can check your store-file sizes
> Am 26.08.2016 um 00:24 schri
I am new to Neo4j and Cypher. I want to write a query for getting following
*Graph Description:* Sample graph schema image is attached in this post
with properties of each node. Graph contains Professor nodes (labeled with
P) and student nodes (labeled with S). Professor nod
I am using LOAD CSV to update nodes of an existing label. The label
contains 4M existing nodes. The CSV file contains 600k rows; some new, some
My Centos 6.x box has 36G of ram. Using the 3.0.1 tuning guide, I have set
pagecache to 24G and heap_initial_size/heap_max_size to 8G.
Hi Davide,
You can open one tx and then run multiple statements in that tx
I think bolt packs stuff in the same fram of the open tcp connection
Nigel will know more.
Good luck with the update
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
> Am 25.08.2016 um 12:51 schrieb Davide D'Alto :
> Hi,
> I
I'm using the Neoj4 java driver to replace the Rest called I've implemented
to connect to a remote server.
In a rest API I can run multiple statements in a single request, is it
possible to do the same with the Java driver? Would that make sense?
You received this messa
Perhaps GC? Sounds like far too many threads and things could potentially
go a lot faster with fewer threads, something like number of cores on the
server or some small multiple of that.
On Monday, August 22, 2016 at 5:05:42 PM UTC+2,
> My database has around
Hi All,
I'm posting here because I'm having a problem, and I feel like my question
is too complex for StackOverflow. I've searched StackOverflow and the
documentation for a help, but I'm really not sure exactly where to start
with this, and if someone could provide some guidance, I'd really