Thanks for the cont-sys tip, good to know.Yes, I have used \definesynonyms, but I need abbreviations to have three levels: the abbreviation itself, the meaning of abbreviation and the description of the abbreviation (for example, "WWW" is short for "World Wide Web" and is described as a "Worldwide
Ok, the module is read in cont-sys.rme with \usemodule[jtex]. It
initializes the lists inside protect / unprotect pair with \newtoks
\usedAbbreviations and \newtoks\usedReferences along with macro
Abbreviations are introduced with \setAbbreviation[]{}
{}{} which defines macros
execution reaches
the document. I couldn't figure out how to fix it as I don't yet know
enough about the anatomy of a ConTeXt run and the system.
Jyrki Ruuskanen
ntg-context mailing list
ves me the dot with \setupcaptions[separator=.].
Jyrki Ruuskanen
ntg-context mailing list