Re: [HACKERS] database synchronization

2001-06-05 Thread Mauricio Breternitz
Ruke: check out for a project on PostGres replication and related info Mauricio >From: "Ruke Wang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: [HACKERS] database synchronization >Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 11:36:13 -0700 > >

[HACKERS] ? potential bug in LockBuffer ?

2001-05-22 Thread Mauricio Breternitz
Folks: As I study the source of LockBuffer in bufmgr.c I came across the following code snippet for the case of releasing a shared (read) lock: if (mode == BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK) { if (*buflock & BL_R_LOCK) { Assert(buf->r_l

Re: [HACKERS] PostgreSQL replication

2001-05-03 Thread Mauricio Breternitz
Oleg: I concur with this, and would like to collaborate as possible. [You may recall my messages from a couple weeks back. I'm looking at ways of implementing 'concurrent' PostGres on a NUMA machine that has both local memory and (a bit more costly) access to a shared memory]. Bettina K

[HACKERS] concurrent postgres in NUMA cluster postgres - design OK ?

2001-04-26 Thread Mauricio Breternitz
Mauricio Mauricio Breternitz Jr, Ph.D. Times N Systems Inc. 1908 Kramer Ln, Braker Building B, Suite P Austin, TX 78758 phone (512) 977 5368 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mauricio Breternitz Jr, Ph.D. Times N Systems Inc. 1908 Kramer Ln, Braker Building B, Suite P Austin, TX 787

Re: [HACKERS] concurrent Postgres on NUMA - howto ?

2001-04-24 Thread Mauricio Breternitz
n an upgrade of a READ to a write lock) - copy 'out' the buffer on a WRITE lock release I would appreciate comments and input on this approach, as I foresee putting a lot of effort into it soon, regards Mauricio >From: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PRO

[HACKERS] concurrent Postgres on NUMA - howto ?

2001-04-23 Thread Mauricio Breternitz
Folks: I'm planning a port of Postgres to a multiprocessor architecture in which all nodes have both local memory and fast access to a shared memory. Shared memory it more expensive than local memory. My intent is to put the shmem & lock structures in shared memory, but use a copy-i