Change by Dean :
title: [Windows] -> [Windows] account privileges and updating Python packages
Python tracker
New submission from Dean :
Running on Windows 10 Home PC, I'm running into an issue with Windows user
account privileges and updating Python packages.
Upgrading a package (e.g. pip) with a lower-level user on Windows can result in
a broken pip package (message of "no 'pip&
Change by Dean :
keywords: +patch
pull_requests: +21695
stage: -> patch review
Python tracker
Dean added the comment:
Code demonstrating the issue; the CTimeFoo class is pickled correctly, but
TimeFoo isn't.
import builtins
from _datetime import time as ctime
original_importer = builtins.__import__
def my_importer(name, globals, locals, fromlist, level):
if name == '
New submission from Dean :
I've run into an issue pickling a datetime.time subclass in PyPy3. I believe it
arises because PyPy uses the pure Python implementation of time and
time.__reduce_ex__() returns (time, ...) on this line
New submission from Dean :
Hi, I've come across an issue with OpenSSL 1.1.1, when a client socket wrapped
using ssl.wrap_socket() is used in its always returning ready
for reading even though there appears to be nothing to read.
To reproduce:
0. Extract files from att
Dean Morin added the comment:
Fair enough, how about just making it clearer in the documentation? Currently
you need to look at the source code to see what would be required for a
signature clash to occur. Maybe something like:
Note that the [os.stat()](
New submission from Dean Morin :
By default `filecmp.cmp()` has `shallow=True` which can produce some surprising
In the docs it states:
> If shallow is true, files with identical os.stat() signatures are taken to be
> equal.
However the "signature" only conside
Dean Liao added the comment:
I planned to upgrade Chromium OS's mock module to 2.0.0. I also encountered the
issue that classmethod cannot be patched as callable mock.
Reviewers, can we start the review process?
nosy: +deanliao
New submission from Jeff Dean :
Spun off from Issue3561:
I recently saw Brian Curtin's Pycon 2012 presentation. If a goal is to make it
easy for new Windows users to run python, consider (optionally) installing a
desktop shortcut. This would make it easy for new users to run python (e
Jeff Dean added the comment:
I just saw Brian Curtin's Pycon 2012 presentation. If a goal is to make it
easy for new users to run python, consider installing a desktop shortcut. This
would make it very easy for new users (easier than starting up a shell).
This is independent of the
Jeff Dean added the comment:
> * Patch Py_DeleteFileW in posixmodule.c so that it renames before
> deleting: should solve the problem overall but obviously has a
> possible wider impact, in general and on performance in particular.
> This rename might be a simple rename-to-guid
New submission from Dean Sturtevant:
It would be helpful for the documentation for subprocess.communicate to
point out that when Popening a process, stdin=PIPE needs to be set if
the input parameter to communicate is to have any meaning. Similary,
stdout=PIPE and stderr=PIPE need to be set in
Dean Elzinga added the comment:
Ohh! Thanks for the clarification. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
> -Original Message-
> From: Skip Montanaro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 8:14 AM
> Subject: [issue1227] csv docs
New submission from Dean Elzinga:
I was trying out 'csv module' and noticed that it wouldn't accept a
dialect of 'excel_tab' as documented.
Then I noticed that csv.list_dialects() gave 'excel-tab' instead of
'excel_tab' as documented.
I'm n
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