In addition, the means sea level is dependent on a model (geiod). Try to find
out what “sea level” you need.
Nicolas Cadieux
> Le 3 mai 2022 à 06:08, kirk via Qgis-user a écrit
> :
> Hi Navneet
> This is classic raster analysis. You will need the
In case there may be someone out there who is interested in my question,
below is Asim's answer (with one correction he made). When run in the
Python console, this code causes execution of the script to stop and a
window to pop up titled "Execution error" with my explanatory message.
And, u
Hi NavneetThis is classic raster analysis. You will need the corresponding
Digital Elevation File (DEM). If your water table data are in vector fomat,
you will have to rasterize the data, preferably to the same resolution as the
dem. Then you can use the grid calculator to subtract the water
Hi Stephen
You are welcome! Please see my response below.
On 5/3/22 2:33 AM, Stephen Sacks wrote:
Hi Asim,
Thanks for your help. But I have no experience with raising an
exception, so I need more help. I ran the following 7 lines of code
in the Python console in Qgis:
fName = 'xyz'
Dear friends,
The data provided for depth of water table in my country by the CGWB is depth
below ground level , but for drawing the water table contours in modflow
software the depth of water below mean sea level is needed.
So how the depth below ground level can be converted to depth with refe