Thanks for the quick reply! Could you explain, or tell me what to search,
what exactly "SR("y%s"%i)" does? Is SR Symbolic Ring? Also, the output for
the sum is close to perfect, though it gives me:
y1 + y10 + y11 + y12 + y13 + y14 + y15 + y16 + y17 + y18 + y19 + y2 + y20 + y3
+ y4 + y5 + y6 + y
On 2016-05-31, Peter Luschny wrote:
> def T(v):
> def f(t): return (tanh(exp(i*t))/exp(i*t*v)).real()
> c = integral_numerical(f(t), 0, 2*pi)[0]
> return (c*gamma(v+1)/(2*pi)).n()
> print [round(T(n)) for n in range(10)]
> Sage returned: [0, 1, 0, -1, 0, 8, 0, -136, 0, 3968]
> I
On Thursday, June 2, 2016 at 11:29:34 AM UTC-7, saad khalid wrote:
> Hey everyone:
> So, there are some infinite sums that I would like to see computed out to
> around 20 terms, just so I can kind of see what form its taking. The
> problem is that it's a bit difficult to do by hand, and I'll
As another example, here is something I found in Mathematica:
In: Sum[f[i], {i, 1, 5, 2}]
Out: f[1] + f[3] + f[5]
In this case, I believe it is treating f as a function, which is fine as I
will eventually be writing y as a function. I just didn't know how I should
define y in Sage so that it w
On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 11:37 AM, saad khalid wrote:
> Not sure if this is helpful:
> Sage also has some functions that do the same thing as M2 (I believe they
> run on Singular). For eg, Groebner basis:
> http:
Not sure if this is helpful:
Sage also has some functions that do the same thing as M2 (I believe they
run on Singular). For eg, Groebner basis:
Hey everyone:
So, there are some infinite sums that I would like to see computed out to
around 20 terms, just so I can kind of see what form its taking. The
problem is that it's a bit difficult to do by hand, and I'll be changing
the parameters several times which means I would have to do it se