Thanks, Paul for the detailed response, it more or less matches my own
understanding. Do you think for the sake of implementation it can be
compressed down to something like that:
- if you are making SIP RESPONSE to an incoming request use "Server",
otherwise if generating new REQUEST use "User-Ag
Hi Paul, Maxim
I agree with both and from the implementations i have seen so far, I see
User-Agent header being inserted by UE devices like smartphones : e.g.
User-Agent: LG IMS client: 6.0 and Server header is inserted by the
intermediate servers like CSCF, AS, MRF, etc: E.g. Server: CSCF
On 4/28/20 1:08 PM, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
I've noticed that in the last few years few implementations have gained
popularity who use User-Agent in both requests and responses. Instead of
User-Agent in requests and Server in responses which I always believed
(perhaps incorrectly) to be the rig
I've noticed that in the last few years few implementations have gained
popularity who use User-Agent in both requests and responses. Instead of
User-Agent in requests and Server in responses which I always believed
(perhaps incorrectly) to be the right way of doing it. The argument there
is t