On 22/10/2015 7:31 a.m., luizcasey wrote:
> Hello, So what I am trying to accomplish here is to basically have a
> whitelist of domains that is allowed via http/https.
What you have actually configured is a whitelist with MUCH narrower
criteria than that.
> If the UID is
> squid,apache, or
Hash: SHA256
First, you should put in order configurations.
22.10.15 0:31, luizca...@gmail.com пишет:
> Hello,
> So what I am trying to accomplish here is to basically have a
whitelist of domains that is allowed via http/https. If the UID is
squid,apache, or
So what I am trying to accomplish here is to basically have a whitelist of
domains that is allowed via http/https. If the UID is squid,apache, or root
then basically you will bypass squid and anything is allowed. This was working
well on 3.4.2 however once I moved to 3.5.10 it no longer