Is there a way to reverse engineer a WAR file for a struts app?

2002-06-13 Thread Jane . Muse
I have a WAR file for my struts app that I created from the JRE command line with the 'jar' command. I then created an EAR file with the Application Assembly tool in Websphere Application Server 4.0, then deployed to WAS 4.0. My struts app was developed with Visual Age for Java 4.0 and tested

java script question

2002-04-26 Thread Jane . Muse
This isn't exactly a struts question, but I've seen some similar questions posed in this user list related to java script. What I'm trying to do is display values in a drop down list based on a value selected from another drop down. Depending upon what is selected, I will get the value selected

Need to link to another page when cancel is pressed.

2002-03-15 Thread Jane . Muse
When I press cancel, I want to perform a link to the mainMenu of my app. Doing a forward doesn't work because there are 2 frames, and the left frame is still there after I go to mainMenu. So logically, this is what I want to do: td html:cancel property=cancel