There are a few things that need to be in place for a smooth transition.
For general trust in the project...
1. the init system itself should be maintained by more than a single human.
2. the maintainers should be willing to respond to a large audience. (If a
project is used widely across distri
I'm trying to set up services, which are in subdirectories of other services.
This is supported, according to the second paragraph of the runsvdir man page:
runsvdir starts a runsv(8) process for each subdirectory, or
symlink to a directory, in the services directory dir, up to
a limit of 100
I'm trying to set up services, which are in subdirectories of other
services. This is supported, according to the second paragraph of the
runsvdir man page:
runsvdir starts a runsv(8) process for each subdirectory, or
symlink to a directory, in the services directory dir, up to
a limit