[Biofuel] 'Reality' Coalition: A dangerous game

2008-12-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.precaution.org/lib/08/prn_reality_coalition.081204.htm From: Rachel's Democracy & Health News #988 Thursday, December 4, 2008 A dangerous game [Rachel's introduction: A new "reality coalition" has challenged the coal industry to "live up to the promise of so-called clean coal." But h

[Biofuel] 'Reality' Coalition Launches Campaign Debunking 'Clean Coal' Myth

2008-12-05 Thread Keith Addison
http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2008/12/04-4 December 4, 2008 12:11 PM CONTACT: Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Julia Bovey, 202-289-2420 'Reality' Coalition Launches Campaign Debunking 'Clean Coal' Myth Calls on Coal Industry to Live up to the Promise of So-Called 'Clean Coal' MENL

[Biofuel] Reality

2008-02-02 Thread Bob Molloy
An Israeli Commission has criticized the Government and the Military not for fighting the war but for losing it. Israeli Commissions have always been criticizing and condemning Israeli Government and Military crimes and failures, but it has changed nothing on the ground. In what way might

[Biofuel] Reality TV meets America at Rock Bottom

2004-10-01 Thread Appal Energy
http://www.tompaine.com/articles/neutralizing_the_flipflop_charge.php Robert L. Borosage, Co-Director, Campaign for America's Future Last night, Americans finally got a glimpse of reality. The truth about the growing debacle in Iraq got some exposure-as did George Bush's continued, impatient and

[biofuel] Reality Check: It's Business as Usual

2002-07-18 Thread Keith Addison
Reality Check: It's Business as Usual By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman The predominant view in Washington right now is that the corporate reformers are in control. President Bush's Wall Street speech last week was a bomb, immediately discarded in Washington circles as containing proposals