In a few weeks, I'll have the chance to present OSM to an audience of  
youngish (18-30), intelligent, open-minded people, who more than  
likely haven't yet come across the project. There may well be people  
who are familiar with free and open source software, but that  
probably won't be everybody present.

Are there wiki pages, slideshows, materials, ideas, etc. that you can  
show me to help me prepare the presentation?

Failing that, how do *you* explain to someone that uses Google Maps  
every day why you spend your time re-creating the same thing under a  
different name? (Slightly provocative question, perhaps, but it must  
be a very common one too -- what's your answer?)

Thanks in advance for your help.


PS The audience is also very international, if that makes a  
difference -- mostly European (from all corners of the continent) but  
also with some Asians, South Americans, and Africans.

PPS Sorry if this is a topic that's been covered before, but I've  
only just joined the list (and the project) and I couldn't  
immediately find anything relevant in the archives. If I've missed  
something, please just send me a URL and I'll do the rest. Cheers.

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