[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Environment Agency Lidar Data

2022-06-03 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
This what I was thinking about testing out if got enough detail for kurb project.. -- Forwarded message - From: Kevin Peat Date: Sat, 2 Jan 2016, 21:36 Subject: Re: [LUG] Environment Agency Lidar Data To: On 2 January 2016 18:00:28 GMT+00:00, Tom wrote: > > Happy New Beer! >

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Using lidar data

2022-06-03 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
I remember that there a free data set available via open data rules from government What his can use it? Would it high enough too filter on drop kurbs? Thx .. I think ordinate survey that can download it from.. Complete uk.dataset.. ___

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Restarting face to face meetings

2022-04-21 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
Zoom? how about doing zoom meetings? or https://meet.jit.si/ if want a full > open source webconferencing not as good as zoom but getting close to > it depending on how many people join in.. > > mark redditch and part of kickstart team trying to do disability kerb > project based in

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Wheelchair kurb project

2021-12-03 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
Hi trying too keep on top of this project and steering towards osm.. When you all having a meet up face to face,? We still need guidance.. I am dyselix and disabled English is bad.. Do you use zoom as solution? We can do a virtual meeting? Mark.redditch On Fri, 3 Dec 2021, 11:41 Andy

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Disability wheelchair curb project

2021-11-05 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
> > > Hi We at kickstart project are going too bring back the project back.too life. The idea is that we map a small area of city too show where all.the curbs for wheelchair users to find shortage route n.navigation around town.. Anyone can do a small.talk.about osm? Help with what app too use

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Dec meeting

2016-11-30 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
sorry not keeping up to date with OSM west mids.. What the issue you having with it? what should it do? thanx On 28 November 2016 at 20:37, Rob Nickerson wrote: > Updated and tweeted. I had to drop the google analytics plug-in from > wordpress as this is no longer

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Mobility

2016-08-22 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
hope your mobility improves and make good use of the time to focus on OSM or anything else that kept getting put to on the shelf to do for latter. mark redditch On 19 August 2016 at 07:46, Brian Prangle wrote: > Hi everyone > I'm unlikely to be participating in any osm

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] [OSM-talk-ie] Registration is Now Open for State of the Map!

2016-05-04 Thread Mark Croft Redditch Linux Mint
i did not know it was common for OSS/linux/opensource/etc style projects to charge there volunteers to attend , wish i was rich computer programmer with lots of free time to kill at these events but i am not , i am the complete opposition being disabled and unable to find any neche in the computer

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] May Meeting (Disabilty Kurb Project)

2015-05-07 Thread Mark Croft
what time we meeting in the pub tonite?mark 07737 265 169 On 1 May 2015 at 18:01, Mark Croft mark.croft@gmail.com wrote: Hi The group has been out to bewdley and did a test run of finding curbs. I was not able to join in cos of health problems felling worn out with weather n hayfever

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] May Meeting (Disabilty Kurb Project)

2015-05-01 Thread Mark Croft
Disability Action Redditch and need to redo there website and i am hoping to put this Curb/Kurb project on there for now - so that should be up soon or at least a frontpage saying that DAR website going live in june/july 2015) mark croft redditch On 15 April 2015 at 19:42, Brian Prangle bpran...@gmail.com