Folks ,
We had a wonderful weekend at the Deep and Punkin Nature Preserve in Edwards 
County.  The weather was great, the food was even better and the company 
wonderful with the exception of one uninvited guest.
There were three trips to Deep Cave and two to Punkin.  There was no sign of 
any bats in Punkin, however, we did not leave the entrance room.  The guano 
smell was very minimal.  I wonder if the drought has pushed  the bats to 
another feeding area or to migrate earlier.  In addition, there was no bee 
activity from the bee hive in the main entrance drop so either the drought got 
them, or they are suffering from colony collapse disorder.  Though the property 
has had some periodic rains, it is still very brown and dry and prone to fire.  
There is a county wide burn ban in the woods and we every asked folks going to 
the cave not pass gas for fear of auto ignition and subsequent fire.
Work was performed to extend the back porch of the cabin so it is now about 20 
by 20 feet in size and makes a great area for community cooking and 
socializing.  On Sunday night, we watched the International Space Station and 
Space Shuttle go sailing right over the cabin.
Mike Harris and John , both members of the Schertz Police Department arrived on 
Sunday morning and went into Deep Cave to take pictures while some of us went 
over and did Punkin to check on the bats.  We all arrived back at the cabin 
around dusk and proceeded to eat and clean up.  After John was done taking a 
shower, he went back to his truck (without a light), and ran into Joe 
Noshoulders, one of the locals from Carta Valley.  Seems there was a buzz about 
with this chance meeting, and since Joe showed up without a reservation, Mike 
got his gun and attempted an arrest.  Following good police procedures, Mike 
yelled to Joe, "down on the ground and put your hands up where I can see them" 
(Joe was already on the ground).  I was nervously running around yelling "don't 
taze me bro" as I'm prone to do when near cops.  However, Joe didn't comply 
with the hands up part so he was dispatched.  Seems old Joe was crawling around 
the cars and the tents in the dark which is always a problem.  Joe measured 
(taped) at 5 feet in length and was the thickest rattlesnake I've seen in the 
wild.  He would have put the serious hurt on someone and was so large, he would 
have been difficult to relocate, even with snake tongs.  (Mike is also the 
resident snake expert since he helps to relocate wayward snakes in Schertz - so 
he knows snakes).  If he would have been along one of the trails on the 
property, we would have admired this fine creature and left him alone; however, 
the risk to all the folks at the preserve was considered too great.  Mike 
Harris cooked him up for lunch on Monday.  This just goes to show you that 
you'll never know who you'll run into in the woods and always carry a light 
after dark (and no, I didn't get tazed).
It was a good time had by all - except Joe.
Folks in Attendance: Geary Schindel, Sue Schindel, Zach Schuderwitz, Steve 
Bryant, Kelly, Josh Rubinstein, Michelle Bryant, Mike Harris, John, Jill Orr, 
Arron Wertheim, Renee Skwara, Tony Castro, Jacob Castro, Drew Wendeborn, Daniel 
Galvin, Lisa Dolan, Don Dolan, Mike Cunningham, Christine Cunningham, and Joe 
Geary Schindel

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