Re: setting up tomcat/JBOSS with apache

2004-12-18 Thread Laconia Data Systems
If you want to configure your webapp from within Apache HTTPServer I would look at ProxyPass e.g. #Include in Proxy parameters to TOMCAT #ProxyPass /myapp http://localhost:8081/myapp ProxyPass /InvoiceEntry http://localhost:8081/InvoiceEntry #ProxyPassReverse /myapp http://local

Re: Hiding an ftp URL

2004-12-11 Thread Laconia Data Systems
Might be helpful to take a look at the difference between protocols FTP and HTTP The answer is no You don't need to visually display an ftp address in your address bar to initiate an FTP session if you follow the instructions from my pr

Re: Strange problem

2004-12-10 Thread Laconia Data Systems
We're going to have to get low level on this In other words we need to know whats wrong before offering diagnosis We can diagnose this problem with tcpdump available at example: tcpdump src host and port 80 this will give you every incoming/outgoing packet fro

Re: Enabling ROOT context for Tomcat5.0.28/Apache 2.0.x

2004-12-10 Thread Laconia Data Systems
make all the default tomcat applications work with > Apache/Tomcat configuration, > is harder then configuring tomcat and apapche together with mod_jk2!!! > > This so Funny I can't believe this is happening to me. > > > Laconia Data Systems wrote: > > >Dwayne- >

Re: Hiding an ftp URL

2004-12-10 Thread Laconia Data Systems
Without knowing what you are transferring or if you are transferring in Passive or Active or if there are Proxies setup you can use Sun's FTPClient Knowing these limitations a.. the FtpClient class is unsupported by Sun (even though it works, they could modify or remove

Re: Enabling ROOT context for Tomcat5.0.28/Apache 2.0.x

2004-12-09 Thread Laconia Data Systems
Dwayne- ROOT war files .war files with the name ROOT.war are given special treatment during deployment, when Tomcat detects and deploys the ROOT.war file instead of creating a web application mapped to (/warname).war it maps it to the root url ( However, because the root co

Re: [OT]Internal Netbeans Tomcat server

2004-12-09 Thread Laconia Data Systems
Stuff Im assuming you have Proxy Forward and Reverse already configured for your webapp within Apache HTTP Server HTTPD.conf? Once you have reached $TOMCAT_HOME/YourWebapp you will need to relatively path to your classes either by $TOMCAT_HOME/YourWebApp/WEB-INF/classes/PackageName/*.class or jar e

Re: Apache locks up

2004-12-09 Thread Laconia Data Systems
Sounds suspiciously as if you are assign ports that already being used try netstat -a Tomcat usually likes port 8080 to listen on unless configured differently in server.xml Apache and any other webserver listen on 80 as a default Also be sure to check the latest jakarta-service (spelling?).log in

Re: Performace differences when running application in Tomcat and JBuilder

2004-12-09 Thread Laconia Data Systems
Alex The first thing I would look at is the delta JBuilder if I remember is like JDeveloper and contains it's own embedded appserver and web server Caching turned off on one webserver ( Tomcat )and then turned on with another webserver (JBuilder) would by default cause the former webserver (Tomcat)