> Is there a cookie manager component like in INDY?
Yes, it was added to ICS v8 earlier this year, TIcsCookies in
OverbyteIcsCookies, from the code:
Provides a memory store for persistent and non-persistent cookies
captured from the HTTP SetCookie header, and builds a Cookie h
A quick fix that seems to correct the issue is to add a FTargetPort:=
FPort to the procedure THttpCli.StartRelocation in the
OverbyteIcsHttpProt unit.
procedure THttpCli.StartRelocation;
else begin
+FTargetPort:= FPo
> Please read my previous messages in TWSocket. There are just
> two 'small' bugs:
> 1) property Location doesn't include the port number and
> 2) the Host header lacks the port number as well which is the
> reason why your php script reports port 80 though the client
> actually is connected to po
David Loncarek wrote:
> Hello!
> When compiling and droping the design time component on the form in
> XE3. Compiler sadly shows this..
Define "USE_SSL" in your project options and *Rebuild* the project
compiling isn't enough after conditionals have changed.
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Albert Wiersch wrote:
> Hi Arno,
> I tested with the ICS-V7 snapshot here:
> http://wiki.overbyte.be/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download
> And it didn't work. It requested port 80 when it should have
> requested port 8080. It works as expected in Firefox.
Please read my previous messages in TWSocket
> How can this be done? For example checking 100 proxy's at the same time
like with PHP curl_multi.
> Are there any open source projects based on ICS avaliable so I can have a
look :)
There are a lot of samples included with ICS right in the distribution. Did
you had a look at it ?
Hint: Look at O
Hi Brian,
Great ! Thanks !
THttpRequest = (httpABORT, httpGET, httpPOST, httpPUT,
httpHEAD, httpCLOSE);
Le 12/12/2012 16:52, brian - a écrit :
RqType: THttpRequest;
this holds the request type, such as get, post, put, head etc.
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 3:12 P
RqType: THttpRequest;
this holds the request type, such as get, post, put, head etc.
On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 3:12 PM, Bruno Mannina wrote:
> Dear ICS User,
> Is exist a way to know inside the OnRequestDone if the command done was a
> POST or a GET ?
> Thanks,
> Bruno
> --
> To unsubscribe o
Dear ICS User,
Is exist a way to know inside the OnRequestDone if the command done was
a POST or a GET ?
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