I should note that this or a similar problem is noticeable on Debian
Lenny - ie, high CPU usage by samba. This may or may not be related to
CUPS on Debian: restarting samba alone doesn't fix it on the debian
machine, but restarting cups -then- samba does.
I've not noticed the problem in Ubuntu 9.0
But did this happen as you were install Samba, or when you were
installing some other package? Based on the attached DpkgTerminalLog.txt
it seems as if Samba were successfully installed at 09:04? It then looks
as another package install at 09:16? What was the primary package then
(compared to those
Hello All,
I had a similar issue in 9.04 trying to access a SMB NAS share. The
solution I found was to add the following lines to /etc/samba/smb.conf
under global (I haven't tried with only some of the lines, so one or the
other may be unnecessary)
client lanman auth = Yes
lanman auth = Yes
The smb.conf defaults to /usr/spool/samba, which doesn't exist...
Same bug, different dists:
** Bug watch added: CentOS Mantis #2219
** Bug watch added: Red Hat Bu
** Attachment added: "Dependencies.txt"
** Attachment added: "DpkgTerminalLog.gz"
** Description changed:
Binary package hint: samba
Removed samba using apt-get purge s
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: samba
Removed samba using apt-get purge samba after making bad samba config.
Did not reboot.
Browsed to Home directory and attempted to Share my Documents folder.
Received message stating that the file sharing service was not installed. I
chose the optio
@Steve: Seems like as good of an opportunity as any to learn the merging
process :) I just need to set up a Karmic system to test on... No
immediate hurry I assume?
*** WARNING: ucf was run from a maintainer script that uses debconf, but the
script did not pass --debconf-ok to ucf.
Regrettably this didn't get addressed in time for jaunty; now that
karmic is open, it would be better to handle this as a package merge
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging). Would you be
willing to take care of this?
*** WARNING: ucf was run from a maintainer script t
@Andreas: When troubleshooting Ubuntu, please do not "think so", please
test instead :)
All my Intrepid Desktop VMs have "::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback", and
all my Jaunty VMs have "::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback" in
Further, both on Intrepid and on Jaunty, Apache2 *does* l
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: slapd
I think it would be wise to document the default usage of cn=config in
the README.Debian or somewhere in /usr/share/doc/slapd.
** Affects: openldap (Ubuntu)
Importance: Undecided
Status: New
cn=config is not documented in README.
Damn, you're fast... :)
I tried Jonathan's suggestions (A) and (B) as listed under EVIDENCE, and
each one resolved the issue.
Still, I think there's more to it than "IPv6 awareness" alone.
Otherwise, running "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart" wouldn't change
anything, would it? By the way,
** Also affects: php via
Importance: Unknown
Status: Unknown
php5-gd imagecolorset no longer working properly after upgrade to 9.04
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
@papukaija: Just for confirmation; are your problems depending on "Allow
from localhost" or do they also occur using "Allow from all". How does
your /etc/hosts look like? Using the NetworkManager?
Accessing http://localhost gives a 403 Forbidden when using apache "allow
localhost" directive
@Martin: Actually, failed to reproduce using your recipe. Sounds like
your last suspision might be right. Are you using NetworkManager? In
system och session mode? I'm not. Will have to get back to you when I
have a Jaunty system using NetworkManager, which I can reboot and test.
@Jonathan: Actual
Thanks. Hereby I confirm the patch does not crash liferea anymore!
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort was right at his first judgment. Please leave Bug
#369274 marked as duplicated.
firefox 3.0.3 crashes (no SIG) on most pages w/ images when using nss_wins:
8.10beta AMD64
Thanks. Hereby I confirm the patch does not crash liferea anymore!
Emilio Pozuelo Monfort was right at his first judgment. Please leave Bug
#369274 market as duplicated.
firefox 3.0.3 crashes (no SIG) on most pages w/ images when using nss_wins:
8.10beta AMD64
16 matches
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