First off, if you hold down the shift key while drawing your line, you
should be able to make it perfectly vertical. Second, after your line
is drawn, simply adjust the lineSize property, which is under Border -
> Size on the first pane of the property palette. You can also adjust
Len, hold the shift key down when drawing - it constrains the angle
to 22.5 degerees.
On 19 Aug 2008, at 21:03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This would seem to be an easy thing to do with a GUI IDE but I
can't seem
to get it right. I want to draw some vertical lines on a form that
This would seem to be an easy thing to do with a GUI IDE but I can't seem
to get it right. I want to draw some vertical lines on a form that are
thicker than one pixel (this is where I'm having problems).
I can't do it (accurately) with the mouse so I'm drawing a pretty close
approximation of ver