If a hadoop minor release line is EOL, we can drop its support in the
next hbase minor release, but hadoop 2.10 is still a bit different
comparing to other hadoop release line, as it is the last release line
for hadoop2.
This is the
Thanks for the input.
My concern with waiting on hbase 3.x is that it's already been pending for
years, and comes with many big architectural changes. It will probably be a
risky upgrade for users, and we will end up supporting hbase 2.x for years
to come. This is probably a separate discussion, b
Better also send the email to user@hbase to see what our users think.
I think we could change the default profile to hadoop3, but better
still have the hadoop2 profile as there could still be users on
We will completely drop the hadoop2 support in hbase 3.x.
Tak Lon (Stephen) Wu 于20