On Friday, July 19, 2019 at 11:04:25 AM UTC-7, Márcio Luis Dresch wrote:
> #this is a copy from 
> http://www.web2pyslices.com/slice/show/1522/generate-a-thumbnail-that-fits-in-a-box

I'm not sure I agree with Nico, after reading your followup ... is 
"ImageUploads" the name of your application?

As copied here, "uploadfolder" has a typo ... check that your code doesn't 
actually have that.
And in your view, you use "article.image" to generate the URL ... but the 
model has "picture" and "thumbnail" but not "image".  Since that's in the 
slice article, it may have been a typo by Bruno, or I may be missing 

Good luck!


> #modules\smarthumb.py
> from gluon import current
> import os
> try:
> from PIL import Image
> except:
> import Image
> def SMARTHUMB(image, box, fit=True, name="thumb"):
> '''Downsample the image.
> @param img: Image -  an Image-object
> @param box: tuple(x, y) - the bounding box of the result image
> @param fit: boolean - crop the image to fill the box
> '''
> if image:
> request = current.request
> img = Image.open(request.folder + 'uploads/' + image)
> #preresize image with factor 2, 4, 8 and fast algorithm
> factor = 1
> while img.size[0] / factor > 2 * box[0] and img.size[1] * 2 / factor > 2 * 
> box[1]:
> factor *= 2
> if factor > 1:
> img.thumbnail((img.size[0] / factor, img.size[1] / factor), Image.NEAREST)
> #calculate the cropping box and get the cropped part
> if fit:
> x1 = y1 = 0
> x2, y2 = img.size
> wRatio = 1.0 * x2 / box[0]
> hRatio = 1.0 * y2 / box[1]
> if hRatio > wRatio:
> y1 = int(y2 / 2 - box[1] * wRatio / 2)
> y2 = int(y2 / 2 + box[1] * wRatio / 2)
> else:
> x1 = int(x2 / 2 - box[0] * hRatio / 2)
> x2 = int(x2 / 2 + box[0] * hRatio / 2)
> img = img.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2))
> #Resize the image with best quality algorithm ANTI-ALIAS
> img.thumbnail(box, Image.ANTIALIAS)
> img.thumbnail.show()
> root, ext = os.path.splitext(image)
> thumb = '%s_%s%s' % (root, name, ext)
> #save it into a file-like object
> img.save(request.folder + 'uploads/' + thumb)
> return thumb
> #models\db.py
> Article = db.define_table('article',
> Field("title"),
> Field("article_text", "text"),
> Field("picture", "upload", uploadfoder='uploads'),
> Field("thumbnail", "upload", uploadfoder='uploads')
> )
> from smarthumb import SMARTHUMB
> Article.thumbnail.compute = lambda row: SMARTHUMB(row.picture, (200,200))
> #controllers\default.py
> def addarticle():
> form = SQLFORM(Article).process()
> return dict(form=form)
> def showarticle():
> id = request.args(0) or redirect(URL('default', 'index'))
> article = Article[id] 
> return dict(article=article)
> #views\addarticle.html
> <h1> Add an article </1>
> {{=form}}
> #views\showarticle.html
> <article>
>     <h1> {{=article.title}}</h1>
>     <div style="width:200px; height:200px; max-width:200px; 
> overflow:hidden;">
>        <img src="{{=URL('default', 'download', args=article.image)}}" />
>     </div>
>     <p>{{=MARKMIN(article.article_text)}}</p>
>     </article>
> Em qui, 11 de jul de 2019 às 05:28, Nico de Groot <ndeg...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> escreveu:
>> The example code assumes that the images are in the standard  ‘uploads’ 
>> folder. Without looking at at your code, it seems that you defined - in 
>> your model file - the download folder to be ‘imageuploads’. That would 
>> explain why the thumbnail is not found.
>> Nico de Groot   
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