
The solution is very simple :)

Instead of sending the byte array like in the example, just encode it
as a string and send it in a variable using POST:

- base64 - this doesn;t works all the time... i don't know why
- bin to hex - works all the time

The server side code is like this:

img = REQUEST.form.get('picture', None)
if img is not None and img != '':
    img = binascii.unhexlify(img)
    img = PIL.Image.open(StringIO(img))
    img.save(join(..., 'picture.jpg'))

We made tests with a lot of images, even with images of 10MB size. It works...


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Dragos Chirila <objectval...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The data is actually received by Zope, but its broken into "pieces".
> Please find a sample of the REQUEST.form here
> http://media.fourhooks.ro/request_form.jpg
> Any hints on how to put the image back together?
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 4:58 PM, Dragos Chirila <objectval...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Doesn't work: AttributeError: BODYFILE
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Stefan H. Holek <ste...@epy.co.at> wrote:
>>> On 25.11.2009, at 12:30, Dragos Chirila wrote:
>>>> The question is: how can I get this data on the server side in Zope?
>>>> Becasue:
>>>> - REQUEST.form is empty
>>>> - HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA is missing
>>>> - there is no other key or value in the REQUEST to indicate the value
>>>> I am looking for
>>> --
>>> Stefan H. Holek
>>> ste...@epy.co.at
>> --
>> Dragos Chirila
>> objectval...@gmail.com
>> (+4) 0722 395375
> --
> Dragos Chirila
> objectval...@gmail.com
> (+4) 0722 395375

Dragos Chirila
(+4) 0722 395375
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