Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-7107905: ColorModel subclasses are missing hashCode() or equals() or both methods

2017-01-31 Thread Jim Graham
For an application to run into this same issue they'd have to expect getCompSizes() to return data for components that 
don't exist.  It's unlikely they would use that data if they really understand the objects.  While that would be odd, I 
guess I can see someone might be constructing all of their CM's from an array of 4 components regardless of the number 
of actual components and we'd be happily remembering the useless extra components and returning an array of 4 from 
getCompSizes().  As I said, they shouldn't really be reading and interpreting those extra components for any image 
processing, but I can imagine that they might do something like create a variant CM by calling the CompSizes() and 
copying them into a new array to construct a new CM with modifications.  They might just robotically always copy 4 
values without really checking how many are valid.  That's a stretch, and their code is weak.  I can conceive of how 
this might happen, but I really have no idea how likely it is...


On 1/30/17 3:56 PM, Phil Race wrote:

Sounds like we should at least try to get the tests updated so they only test 
what the spec. says.
Although it does indicate that there is at least a chance that application code 
might also fail due to similar assumptions.
Does #1 not fail with the previous iteration of this change too ?


On 01/30/2017 01:40 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hmmm.  Sounds like the test cases were written based on bugs in the 
implementation.  I'm not sure what the best tactic
is here for the short term for getting this in, but many of these changes 
should eventually be considered bugs in the
tests.  Is it acceptable to break API tests like this at the last minute even 
if the tests are at fault?  Phil?

Notes on specific instances below...

On 1/30/17 2:22 AM, Jayathirth D V wrote:

Hi Phil,

1)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#Constructor: Failed. test cases: 
4; passed: 3; failed: 1; first test
case failure: ColorModel2001

This test fails because getComponentSize() returned an array with length 3 
but it expects the length to be 4. In
the test case they have bits per component array of length 4 like {8, 8, 8, 
8}. But in the test case wherever
they are passing "has Alpha" as "false" we omit the alpha component bit. This 
is because of tighter check that we
have in ColorModel class as "nBits = Arrays.copyOf(bits, numComponents);" . 
"numComponents" will be 3 if hasAlpha is

This is a bug in the test then, especially if the size of our array matches the 
return value of getNumComponents.

2)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#Equals: Failed. test cases: 3; 
passed: 2; failed: 1; first test case
failure: ColorModel0004

Here they check for equality between 2 ColorModel objects having same 
values, but it fails because now we are
using identity-as-equals check in ColorModel.

How do they accomplish this when the CM class is abstract?  Do they create a 
relatively empty subclass and instantiate

The documentation for the equals() method does not document the conditions 
under which it returns true, it uses a
vague concept of "equals this ColorModel".  I don't see how they could test 
anything given that documentation.

3)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#HashCode: Failed. test cases: 2; 
passed: 1; failed: 1; first test case
failure: ColorModel2006

Here they check for hashCode equality between 2 ColorModel objects having 
same values, but it fails since we
don't have hashCode check in ColorModel and it will be different between 2 

Same as above, there are no promises documented.

Failed. test cases: 2; passed: 1;
failed: 1; first test case failure: testCase1

Throws "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 3". This is also 
happening because of same reason as why the
first JCK test is failing. We omit alpha bit if hasAlpha is false but JCK 
test tries to call getComponentSize()
with index 3 which throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Same assessment as #1 above...

Again, while these are my recommendations about the correctness of these tests, 
the question remains whether we want
to introduce a change at this point in the release cycle that will essentially 
invalidate a number of tests that have
been working for several releases already.  I'll leave that tactic issue to 


Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-7107905: ColorModel subclasses are missing hashCode() or equals() or both methods

2017-01-31 Thread Jim Graham
I don't think there is a spec anywhere that 2 objects created by the same constructor must evaluate as equals().  In 
particular, 2 instances of Object created with the null constructor do not evaluate as equals().  So, with respect to 
testing a spec, they are reading a promise into the base class there.

On the other hand, it makes sense that similar construction would be equals() for objects intended to be compared and 
the CM subclasses have always tried to be comparable.  But, since CM is abstract you can't really test its constructors 
directly.  With these fixes we should end up having all subclasses compare as equals() for similar construction so we 
are still making good on the implied promise that they are testing here for all constructable objects.

Should we consider that CM might promise proper equals() tests for subclasses?  For one, we can't really fully promise 
that since subclasses may differ for reasons other than what CM can test, so its implementation of equals() can't be 
authoritative in general.  It is true that we used to provide a conditionally appropriate test for just the parts that 
CM was responsible for, but we never documented that.  In practice that potential promise doesn't matter for our 
internal classes, it only matters for external classes that aren't being updated here.

With regards to Phil's question about whether these changes will affect application code - since you can't instantiate 
CM directly, and since we deal with these conditions properly in all sub-classes this boils down to whether applications 
use their own subclass of CM, and I don't have a lot of data for that.  Phil?


On 1/30/17 10:37 PM, Jayathirth D V wrote:


Regarding Jim's query of #2 JCK test case:

How do they accomplish this when the CM class is abstract?  Do they create a 
relatively empty subclass and instantiate that?
Yes they have simple subclass(MyColorModel) of ColorModel and they instantiate 
that with same "bits" and try to compare.

MyColorModel cm = new MyColorModel(4);
ColorModel x = new MyColorModel(4)
if (!cm.equals(x)) {
return Status.failed("Should return true on two instances 
instantiated by the same constructor");


-Original Message-
From: Jayathirth D V
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 11:53 AM
To: Philip Race; Jim Graham;
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-7107905: ColorModel 
subclasses are missing hashCode() or equals() or both methods

Hi Phil & Jim,

Thanks for your inputs.

I have verified with previous iteration of the changes and both #1 and #4 fail from the 
time we have introduced the change in how we calculate "nBits" in ColorModel.

-nBits = bits.clone();
+ * We need significant bits value only for the length
+ * of number of components, so we truncate remaining part.
+ * It also helps in hashCode calculation since bits[] can contain
+ * different values after the length of number of components between
+ * two ColorModels.
+ */
+nBits = Arrays.copyOf(bits, numComponents);

#2 and #3 would fail from the time we have removed equals() and hashCode() 
methods from ColorModel, to follow identity-as-equals verification.
Collectively all of them are failing right now as we have both the changes at .


-Original Message-
From: Phil Race
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 5:27 AM
To: Jim Graham; Jayathirth D V;
Subject: Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] Review Request for JDK-7107905: ColorModel 
subclasses are missing hashCode() or equals() or both methods

Sounds like we should at least try to get the tests updated so they only test 
what the spec. says.
Although it does indicate that there is at least a chance that application code 
might also fail due to similar assumptions.
Does #1 not fail with the previous iteration of this change too ?


On 01/30/2017 01:40 PM, Jim Graham wrote:

Hmmm.  Sounds like the test cases were written based on bugs in the
implementation.  I'm not sure what the best tactic is here for the
short term for getting this in, but many of these changes should
eventually be considered bugs in the tests.  Is it acceptable to break
API tests like this at the last minute even if the tests are at fault?

Notes on specific instances below...

On 1/30/17 2:22 AM, Jayathirth D V wrote:

Hi Phil,

1)api/java_awt/Image/ColorModel/index.html#Constructor: Failed.
test cases: 4; passed: 3; failed: 1; first test case failure:

This test fails because getComponentSize() returned an array with
length 3 but it expects the length to be 4. In the test case they
have bits per component array of length 4 like {8, 8, 8, 8}. But
in the test case wherever they are passing "has Alpha" as "false" we
omit th

Re: [OpenJDK 2D-Dev] [9] RFR JDK-8170578: The Pages Range From in print dialog is disabled

2017-01-31 Thread Philip Race
I spent some significant amount of time trying to make sure I know the 
IPP protocol
that is underpinning this. Prasanta provided me with some additional 
logging from

which it seems that there are 3 repeated attributes.
IPPPrintService>> readIPPResponse pwg-raster-document-resolution-supported
IPPPrintService>> readIPPResponse pwg-raster-document-sheet-back
IPPPrintService>> readIPPResponse pwg-raster-document-type-supported

Furthermore I have determined that 16.10 ships with CUPS 2.2 - released 
only a few weeks before 16.10
Whereas 16.04 has 2.1.3. So what we have here is a major CUPS upgrade 
and I am still not 100% sure

if these duplicates are a CUPS bug - but I think it probable.

These duplicated attributes are not important to our implementation, so 
all we need to do
is make sure they don't break us. I don't see a reason to care if we 
keep the first or replace
it with the second. Any new attributes we've previously ignored will 
still be ignored.

What Prasanta has implemented will fix our bug so I am approving.

However our implementation looks odd to me - I do not understand why there
was an expectation a new HashMap ever needed to be created. It only makes
sense if duplicate attributes are normal. But then there is no rhyme nor 

to then simply picking the first HashMap and ignoring the rest.
If anything I'd expect that you may want to tie a HashMap to each group tag.
In which case the first one would be operational attributes, not printer 
And it isn't done like that anyway. It just creates a new one "on 
demand" when
it sees the key is already used. This happens in the middle of 
processing a particular group.

So it still makes no sense.
Accordingly I think we need a follow-on bug to examine, explain and if 
necessary update this in 10.


On 1/18/17, 3:11 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:

Ok. Updated webrev just in case we are not reading the protocol wrongly.

On 1/12/2017 8:04 AM, Philip Race wrote:
I am looking at this and the hold up is I can't remember the protocol 
readIPPResponse() is
trying to follow. Without that understanding it is hard to say much 
.. so I need to go read

up and remember ..

Two  comments : There is an extra space in
if (responseMap.length>   1) {
The test update is bogus in referring to this bug. The change is 
nothing to do with the bug.
And I actually prefer printer tests to throw nasty exceptions when 
there are no printers
and they need one ... else SQE just don't configure printers on test 
systems and the tests all wrongly pass.

Would you run Linux UI tests on a blade with no X-server running ?


On 1/10/17, 1:14 AM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:

On 1/10/2017 2:43 PM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:
Actually, in ubuntu16.10 attribute map did not have 
"page-ranges-supported" attribute because 2 attribute hashmap is 
created in IPPPrintService#readIPPResponse() and most of the 
supported attributes are part of the 2nd hashmap (responseMap[1])
whereas only the 1st hashmap is utilised through responseMap[0] 

As to why 2 hashmaps are created in ubuntu16.10, it is because 
readIPPResponse() checks if key is already present in existing map, 
then create a new hashmap through this code 

and in ubuntu16.10, some attributes (like 
pwg-raster-document-type-supported which is not there in ubuntu 
14.04] are duplicated.

Proposed fix is to check if there are more than 1 hashmaps, if it 
is, get the entries from those maps, remove duplicate entries and 
append to existing hashmap to get a consolidated map having all the 
IPP attributes.

Missing webrev link:

On 12/21/2016 11:28 PM, Phil Race wrote:

So now I am very suspicious.
First (previous fix I reviewed) Job Sheets weren't supported on 
16.10, now its PageRanges.

I think this merits investigation of what is going on before we 
commit this fix.
Why are attributes that have always been supported by CUPS 
suddenly unavailable ?

And for the cases we image the pages ourselves, we can implement 
internally, so for a normal PrinterJob it always can be supported 
.. regardless of

what the printer says.


On 12/14/2016 09:50 PM, Prasanta Sadhukhan wrote:

Hi All,

Please review a testbug fix for jdk9 for an issue where it it 
seen that PageRanges option is disabled in printer dialog in 



Issue was, in ubuntu16.10 the attribute map [obtained here