[313] women in techno

2001-09-21 Thread Bekka
hi everyone,

I've been a list memebers on and off for years now and well, i've decided to
start my own list damn it ;p
it's about and for women IN electronic music.  If you dj, produce, promote,
etc or are just interested, please join.  and pass the word along to others
if you like.  I have lost some of the email addresses of people i wanted to
send this out to who first contacted me through this list.  If you know any
of them please let them know.


The conversations on this list last year have really got me thinking.  Some
of you might remember me talking about possible doing my dissertation on the
subject, and well...that time's fast approaching so i'd love to hear what
you all think about that.  email me privately at any time.

i know there are some people that think this kind of project isn't necessary
cuz women have as much opportunity as men (as i've been told on some RARE
occasions).  But if that's the case then why isn't that reflected in who
plays out, gets profiled in the media, etc?  This isn't intended to be an
essentializing project.  I just think that there's a lot still to be said.

thanks and take care everyone,

bekka (is back)

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UR vs. Sony

2001-04-09 Thread Bekka

does anyone know what the outcome of this case was?  are they still in
litigation?  Did BMG ever release the trace version or any other version of
the cover?  I'm writing a paper on this for my cultural production and
intellectual property law class and would greatly appreciate any info people
have.  Everywhere I've looked has info up until the early part of 2000 and
then it stops.

thanks for your time,

bekka =)

Shop online without a credit card
RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

was i out to lunch?

2001-02-15 Thread Bekka
speakin of demf...whatever happended to the tshirts? 


Shop online without a credit card
RocketCash, a NetZero subsidiary

Re: [313] Re: Girls and Detroit

2000-06-18 Thread Bekka
About six months ago i was at an academic conference.  One of the other
women on my panel was discussing a paper (part of her dissertation) that she
wrote on women in hip hop.  Claiming to have been in the scene for some 20
yrs this women's work had a lot of insight.  She discussed the various roles
that women currently occupy in the scene...whether it be that of sex object
to sell records or more of a fuck the mainstream attitude and persona.

After the presentation i had a discussion with her about women in electronic
music.  She started talking about how earlier on women in hip hop were even
more so than today expected to maintain and fit a certain role if they
wanted to make it in the field/scene.  Then we got onto a discussion of
how what is begin to happen in hip hop to overcome some of this  - and
electronic music but to a lesser extent as of yet - is that more women are
beginning to take control.  As Emma was saying, more women need to play the
music, make the music...occupy positions as djs, producers, writers, and
speakers, because the scene, especially the scene affiliated with this list,
is still predominantly and overwhelmingly represented and occupied by males.
And as someone else said, it does all come back to gender socialization, not
to women being any less capable.  From a very early age we are taught the
characteristics that we are supposed to possess as males and females...all
of which is severely damaging to any of us become the complete people we
should be, yet it continues unrelentlessly.  And while many of us know that
we need to be more vocal, as diane stated, i do think lots of women get
intimidated by this list, maybe because not as many of us are djs or
producers, or haven't been around since '91 and thus, find it more difficult
to prove ourselves.  For as long as the music has been around women have
supported it, be it at events, buying music, etc.  When i think about the
population that is mainly supporting parties these days it is clear that
there are at least an equal number of young women that support events as
young men.  But lately i've been thinking about the reasons that some of
these young women are more concerned with what they're gonna wear out to an
event then who the talent is (as are some young men as well but to a lesser
extent i think).  What i predict and hope for is that women's involvement
will the scene will grow on a number of levels as more women begin to occupy
spaces as - djs, producers, writers, speakers,- role models for the rest of

If you read all this thanks a lot.  I know i haven't laid any real
conclusions out but it's something i've been thinking about for a long time.


Re: (313) f*cked up!

2000-04-26 Thread Bekka
having had the opportunity to see both of them on numerous occassions i
might not be the one to reply most sensibly, but from what i've seen of the
two lately

carl craig

bekka =)

- Original Message -
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 3:45 PM
Subject: (313) f*cked up!

 Location: Glasgow

 Date: 13th May 2000

 Derrick May - Temple club

 Carl Craig - Bugged out, QM

 who would you go and see?
