
would you forward my reply to the list?  my last several posts haven't gone 
through.  thanks, -marc 

the inestimable Kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:
>Well real Detroit techno was over before it started in some respects.
>Kind of like the Velvet Underground -- by the time anyone paid attention
>it was long since gone.  

mostly true -- by the time it drew critical attention -- hell, even by the time 
of the music institute, the youth scene -- the under-21 scene that was the 
audience for the sound --- had changed so much that an affinity for techno (or 
progressive house, or whatever) seemed almost a throwback.

>but Techno stopped being 'TECHNO' when it spread beyond a very exclusive
>scene that only really involved a few hundred people in and around

CORRECTION: Given that techno wasn't applied to the sound until '88, when it 
was applied specifically in order to market the sound abroad, you *should* say 
that Techno only *began* being techno by turning away from the scene that 
produced it.

(it used to be known as a whole raft of things, but the most common i remember 
from high school circa '83-'87 was detroit house)

as for the "few hundred people" estimate -- it's higher, but certainly not 
arguably larger than 20,000, unless you add in Chicago's scene and its audience 
for Detroit product.  And even my highball figure of 20,000 (over seven years 
of adversity, with the sound "trapped" in two midwestern cities) certainly 
can't compare to the DEMF attendance.

history, folks, history.

PS I've got to get off web-based terminal emulation programs.  my emails 
*never* make it to the list!

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