Re: (313) Re: The Island

2005-08-17 Thread turn'

 Hey ..

  leave the LOTR out of this, I have to put up with people driving
  past my house in a 4WD ..  '

  with One tour to rule them all written on the side ..

  Its wrong, and I have written to Peter telling him to put a stop
  to all of this nonsense, however he is too busy playing with cannons,
  and his collection of WWI guns rebuilt by my friend Hamish.


  And until you get flying cars in Detroit, I don't have hairy feet.


Cyclone Wehner wrote:

They said on the DVD (I think) that they had eliminated the markers to make
it look like any city but it's very clearly Sydney, I agree!
I just came back from NZ and was amazed at how they're using the filming of
Lord Of The Rings as a tourist attraction. Then I went to a market in South
Auckland and they were selling T-shirts Lord Of The Hood: Return Of The
Kingpin which cracked me up.

Geez, whoever was supposed to eliminate Sydney from the Matrix should
have gotten fired. You could pick Sydney in just about every scene
involving them being inside the Matrix.

Re: (313) The Island

2005-08-16 Thread turn'

  I was sceptical . but really enjoyed the film.

  Might have to revisit it, now that I know it was filmed in Detroit.

  I thought it was based very closely on George Lucas first film THX-1138
  .. with some modern evolution of the concept.

  But yea, totally surprised by the film, after expecting it to be
  another sci-fi wet biscuit .. all flash and no pants.

  Compared to alot of recent sci-fi attempts I felt the island was
  quite strong, telling a decent story in a managable fashion.

  I think it could stand the test of several viewings.


theREALmxyzptlk wrote:

Cyclone Wehner wrote:

Has anyone seen this sci-fi movie? I know it was shot in Detroit and 
from the promo clips I've seen Detroit features quite prominently 
(albeit no

Belle Isle)? Is it any good? ;)


My wife and I went because there wasn't much out and we wanted to see a 
movie she hadn't seen - I rarely get to go to movies, so what the hey.
The acting was decent (Obi Wan, Boromir and Steve Buscemi!), and it had 
an interesting premise. Can't recall, but I think it's a Michael Bay 
film. Lots of action sequences. What I found fun was the way the action 
sequences were shot (nice cinematography). The best way I can describe 
it is that instead of focusing the flight of the cars in the air in the 
obligatory 'cars flying through the air' scenes - which are ubiquitous 
in action films these days -  there was a lot of up-in-it focus on the 
crash down in that sort of you are there in the middle of it crazed 
confusion/movement which reminded me of Ridley Scott's battle scenes in 
The problem in most films of this ilk is that it's easy to tell who the 
expendables are pretty quickly and also how things are going to turn out.
I wouldn't beat a path to the theater for it, but I wasn't angry I'd 
seen it or anything. I'd say it will fare better on the big screen than 
it does as a rental.
It all depends on if you like futuristic action films, I guess. Not a 
bad ride, all said.

Re: (313) Dubtribe

2005-08-14 Thread turn'

  ah . been a quite major fan . for a while

  the message, the love, the music, the love, the music

  they had some of the best safety information about LSD
  that have ever found on the web ..

  Dubtribe ' forever


(313) Rock my Psurkit

2005-08-10 Thread turn'

  Okay one more 'down the line .

  Catch up with this week, with a mix from southern DnB producers
  Pendulum .. ++ new stuff from Loop Recordings .

  and as per usual a little ' digital boom boom from Speakeasy

  .. digging the stuff from

  . love you electronically  ..


 Original Message 

Speakeasy 021

Spilling the band width

Stand by  ' steady on the upload

All told and nothing said, Turnstyle lets Suln hit stings.  This week we
take journey on sounds less glitch and more pitch.

Get broque and step up the sounds of this groove.  The audible instantly
lighting up my ratings column, leaping out from between the glitch with a
refreshing rhythm.

Otherwise keeping it close to the floor, breaking down the dub 1 bit at a
time.  Lets go unleash the torrents of net music, spilling free into the

Ready on the celebration, highlighted by the net famous DE:BUG.  Subtle
sounds for the cautious new foundations of the Techno reality.

Do you really feel surprised that this is what it sounds like, that this
download is more retro disposable future smash hits from ether.  This is
like going back to the past you never new existed, only to find out right

So don't get flustered: get Flussbett! Get your Psurkit's rocked on

Get soft-patched into the digital evolution your own media.



AhaHa - TomTomGroove / [brq 02] - Audible bred EP
Krafter Dub -   Daniel Lindeberg / [BEVLAR S02]
30...Tagebart - Treplec / Celebration Compilation
The Surprised Man - Rob Keens   / [stadt001] The Park
Flussbett (Jason Corder Remix)  - Benfay / [THN060] - One Touch Button


Pendulum vs State of Mind

Hold your Colour - Pendulum

Promo mix for Pendulums upcoming 'Hold your Colour' Tour
with State of Mind, mixed by Trei.

Virgin Dub - State of Mind
Back to you - Pendulum
For You (State of Mind rmx) - Trei ft. Dmyze
Vault - Pendulum
Mind Slicer - State of Mind
Voyager - Pendulum
Whats goin down - State of Mind
Through the
