Wotcha 313,

Going to open this up to 313, hit me back off the list with your charts, stick to the format below as it means we have to do less formatting - thus ensuring your chart goes in...

Please return pretty sharpish


[Artist] The 65D Mavericks (Record Labels here)

[Chart] [Artist-Track-Label]

Oliver Ho - As Above, So Below - Surface
Female - I Saw Christ Die - The 65D Mavericks Remix - Downwards
The 65D Mavericks - The Murdoch Effect - Infrastructure
Sysex - Emitter Prime - Inceptive
The 65D Mavericks - Beginnings End - Blueprint
Diplo - Florida - Big Dada
Blisaed - Luster Heart - RC
Spirit - Fathom - Lost/Cosmic
The 65D Mavericks - Switchology - Light & Dark
T2 - It Will all Work out in Boomland - Take

[Link to your site]

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