Instead of accepting the term "electroclash" (which has obviously allowed this thing to go on way longer than the music's 15-minutes of fame one-note humor deserves) why don't we steal a term from architecture and call it "Electro Revival" in the breathiest upper-class british accent we can muster. sort of like a house -- you know, it's a tudor Reh-VI-vahhhhl, dee-ah. (Remember, a tudor revival bears about as much similarity to tudor architecture as electroclash bears to the 80's as many of us lived it...)

I think the term "Revival" might be extra fun too, for Detroiters -- if intoned with a fake British accent, it might have the amusing effect of reminding folks of the dreadfully affected pseudo-british accents some locals took on during the early-to-mid 80's

yeesh. two weeks of that kind of treatment, and electroclash will be gone. RIP.


At 7:15 AM -0500 12/17/02, sean deason wrote:
sean "lived the 80's, no need to recreate them" deason

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