Thought I'd pass along the info for this album release party for Jake's
new album. Plus it'll be Derek's first appearance in Toronto!

Jake Fairley - Touch Not The Cat (album release party)

On September 3rd, Jake Fairley makes his return to his hometown for a
live show unlike any other. Supporting Jake on the bill will be Derek
Plaslaiko (Ghostly Intl and Plus8) making his Toronto debut, along with
Adam Marshall, Uncut (Jake?s former rock band) and 1/2 Inch-No Dick. It
will be a night of genre bending techno and rock not to be missed.

Jake Fairley (Paper Bag, Dumb-Unit, Kompakt, Berlin) 
Derek Plaslaiko (Ghostly Intl, Plus 8, Detroit) 
Adam Marshall (New Kanada, Killer, Toronto) 
Uncut (Paper Bag, Dumb-Unit, Toronto) 
? Inch_No Dick (Toronto)

Venue: Revival, 783 College St, Toronto, Ontario

Tickets: $12 in advance at Ticketmaster, Rotate This and other locations

contributor - kick magazine
host of 'equinox radio' on l'electrique @

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