I'm forwarding this article because I think it's an interesting new twist on
the long-running property rights debate re: the Internet, which always
inspires some lively debate here. I 'd hope we don't have to go through all
of those 'I think you should be able to copy anything' v. 'Copying anything
is theft' arguments which have all been covered here 12 times over and are
probably unresolvable through a public email exchange. Maybe just look at
this article as a new piece of info in this tangentially relevent ongoing
discussion. This could affect the future of Internet radio. Basically,  it's
just a good article illustrating the administrative difficulties of
protecting intellectual property post-internet.

Snipped from:

You'll need to copy and paste the tale end of the URL.

Tuesday 10th December 2002   4:23pm

ISPs buckle under copyright cases

The law is a (pain in the) ass...

Internet service providers (ISPs) are reporting rapidly increasing
incidences of take-down notices for copyright infringement material in
contrast to a diminishing number of requests to remove defamatory material
from sites they host.

As the burden on ISPs increases, it is becoming increasingly difficult for
them to deal fairly with cases where people or companies feel their
copyright has been infringed, or where they feel they have been defamed.
While ISPs have a duty to remove offending material, they say that because
they also have a duty to their customers, the current situation in which
they have to act as judge and jury is untenable.

Complaints related to copyright infringement now account for 54 per cent of
take-down notices issued to ISPs based in the UK, according to a preliminary
survey by the UK's ISP Association (ISPA), which is being conducted as part
of a bid to rationalise the process of removing possibly illegal material.
Twenty-seven per cent are related to defamation complaints.

ISPA is gathering the data to illustrate the growing problem in a bid to
persuade the government to publish a code of practice that, it says, should
effectively remove liability from ISPs. The work is being done by ISPA's
sub-group on content liability. Sub-group spokesman Mark Gracey, who is also
legal liaison manager at ISP Thus, said take-down notices are a huge burden,
with each case costing between £50 and £1,000 to deal with.

"Anybody can put us on notice of take-down," said Gracey. "There is no
standardisation of processes - a ten-year-old child can do this by writing
the notice on the back of a cigarette packet." At Thus, said Gracey, the
number of take-down notices for alleged copyright infringement is "going
through the roof".

But removing content - whether because it is said to infringe copyright,
defame somebody, be criminally racist or break laws such as the Obscene
Publications Act, is not a simple process and can lay ISPs open to legal

"ISPs are rarely aware of the full facts of the case and could easily make a
wrong decision," said Gracey. "ISPs are at risk of liability from the person
giving notice and from their customers. Do we take down the content when
asked by a complainant and if so, should we put it back when our customer
who posted the content in the first place tells us to? We are the piggy in
the middle. We are playing judge and jury."

ISPA is trying to encourage complainants to make contact with the person or
organisation who posted the material in question, rather than the ISP. But
there is an urgent need for a code of practice that would create a standard
form for take-down notices and dictate who can issue them, sad Gracey. It
should also address the issue of how and when content should be put back on
the internet if the ISP's customer is able to prove that it does not
infringe any laws. "Rights holders do have rights, but we also have to
consider the rights of our customers. Infringements are not always what they
appear to be."

"There is also the notion of a safe harbour for ISPs, to provide freedom
from liability," said Gracey. "That's what we need the government for."
However, he said, any code of practice would take some drafting. "It has to
be fair to ISPs, to their customers and to the complainants."

Gracey said the DTI does appear to be receptive to the idea, "but the
government is still saying it is not convinced there is sufficient reason to
go ahead."

ISPA hopes to use the results of its survey to get across the fact that
there is a big problem, and ISPs interested in filling out the survey or
contributing their own horror stories should contact ISPA (www.ispa.org.uk )

Matt Loney writes for ZDNet UK

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