--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I hear ya, but Ben Sims is a good producer >too.
> Being a good dj AND a good producer is >kinda rare
> but increasingly important if you >want to be
> recognised.
> Yeah looping old tracks is difficult. (sarcasm)
> >Jeff Mills gets a lot of respect for his
> >production though I don't think it's all that
> >great.
> You fucking idiot! Sorry, Your joking right? 
> Ah man, I don't know what to say to this, what do
> you say to this?
> >Maybe Jeff Mills used to be good but I feel >he's
> surpassed by the likes of Claude Young. 
> Oh man your value..... stop it please.... I can't
> laugh anymore.....
> >Jeff's too busy messing about making so called
> >experimental tunes when he should be knocking
> >dancefloor tunes together. 
> I won't go on slating you anymore, I think Tom,
> Joseph and Alan ripped you up on this comment.
> >How far must we keep 'pushing the boundaries'? 
> We'll never stop!
> >Dj Pacific:) 
> ???
> Laters,
> WorkZ
> --------------------
> talk21 your FREE portable and private address on the
> net at http://www.talk21.com

No one ripped me up on anything. You obviously don't
know what the f*ck you're on about because all you
could do was diss but you didn't come up with a decent
argument anywhere in that entry. If you care to read
my follow up entries and other ppl's views on the
subject of quality tunes you may understand. Then
again, you may not. I can't understand why ppl are
getting so uptight about the whole thing. I'm simply
expressing my views. Not trying to cause a childish
argument. I'm not the only person who feels the way I

Dj Pacific:)
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