The album by Fusion, on Ferox, is all Russ Gabriel original material,
isn't it? That's quite a fine collection, with some nice remixes if memory
serves. Not exactly earth-shattering, but it has its moments. There was a
comp of v/artists put out by Montreal-based label, Turbo, not long ago
that had a Gabriel track recorded live in Detroit back in 95 or 96. Did
anyone hear that performance?


On Tue, 2 May 2000, Minto Chempotical George wrote:

> yah...I got Voltage Control...great album by Russ. What happened to Soul
> On Wax? I loved those first 2...did this just change to Player or is he
> still doing Soul On Wax? Dan Curtin's 12" on Player was fine. stoked about
> the new upcoming album from Russ though. :)
> minto
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