[ [..] ]   immedia2003 >>>>>

[ [..] ]    01.31.2003  to  02.08.2003
             university of michigan media union
             2281 bonisteel blvd.  ann arbor, mi 48109

[ [..] ]    multimedia performances
             interactive installations
             animation and video screenings
             interactive fiction and web works
             CAVE virtual reality
             interactive graphics
             video flatwork

[ [..] ]    friday 01.31.2003 opening night >>>>>
            food and refreshments served

].[ CAVE
6-9pm ][ virtual reality

].[ central collaboration area
].[ performances by >>>>

7pm  ][ 01V
8pm  ][ Drop Box
9pm  ][ Chris McNamara

].[ video studio
].[ performances by >>>>

7pm  ][ Nine Questions
8pm  ][ Midwest Product
9pm  ][ Naoism
10pm ][ Bill Van Loo
11pm ][ Rob Theakston

[ [..] ]    saturday 02.01.2003 night >>>>>

].[ CAVE
6-9pm ][ virtual reality

].[ video studio
].[ Kit Clayton and Sue Costabile

7pm  ][ lecture on electronic music composition and live
         video manipulation
8pm  ][ artist q and a
9pm  ][ 'Interruption' performance

].[ Joshua Kit Clayton lectures about the creative process in electronic
music composition and the challenges of combining it with live video
manipulation. following the lecture, Kit Clayton and Sue Costabile
the conceptual art piece, 'Interruption', exhibiting innovations in
audio/visual manipulation and physical movement. Those interested in
Jitter for MAX/MSP are strongly encouraged to attend.

[ [..] ]    throughout the week >>>>>

].[ gallery

interactive installations
interactive fiction and web works

].[ video studio

animation and video screenings
interactive installations
video flatwork
interactive graphics

(    (    ( mission )     )    )      [ [..] ]        [ [..] ]

  the immedia electronic art exhibition has developed from a community of
  artists and thinkers interested in the artistic possibilities of new
  technologies.  the immedia community exhibits the best of such art,
  eschewing reckless application of powerful technology in favor of
  electronic art which seeks deeper understandings of technology's
  relationship with art and life in contemporary society.

  as with any art, electronic art must explain our world to us in new
  helping us understand and relate to our environment.  the immedia
  community believes that the sweeping changes already wrought by
  television and those still to be realized by computers and digital
  devices necessitate a new art.  this new art, reacting with and against
  new technologies, has a deep responsibility to guide humankind's future
  interactions with its new electronic environment.  technology must be
  used in creative, intelligent ways to ensure an expressive future.  the
  immedia exhibition hinges on the belief that it is the electronic
  artist's responsibility to realize the full creative potential of
  and analog devices.


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