> is there any reason to send out an email alert, put up online flyers,
> and hand out postcards to tens of thousands of people at the DEMF for
> a party where the capacity was all of 400?

Yes, because if you don't then the people who didn't find out about it
will whine and complain "damn, that richie hawtin sure has an ego."
because he keeps these little parties only to himself and his friends
and blah blah blah blah blah blah, and if he makes a party big enough
for everyone then somebody else complains how it was too big and there
were to many people and rich is a sell-out for trying to make too much
money by having a big party, and on and on and on and on ad nauseum.

maybe people should whine less.

luckily he throws parties for himself to enjoy, not for you, otherwise
nobody would ever be satisfied and they'd be whining all the time, and
then why bother throwing parties at all?



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