From the people I have spoken with who have them, the sound quality is about
the same as a telephone call. It is a bit tinny, but the technology can only improve. When Direct Neural Interfaces enter the market, then you will see a sharp increase in the quality of these products. One of the benefits of having an aging population in the west is that there is going to be a massive amount of funding for projects like this.

The idea of imparting hearing through the electrical stimulation of the nerves between the hearing canal and the brain still blows my mind. Again, the choice between profound deafness and a tinny sound seems an easy choice to me. The more I think about it, the only possible worse form of sense disability would be the lack of touch.

And technically, your question about music access is already available.
With current Cochlear technology and a wireless data connection, you could literally access your entire digital music collection, pull a song out of the aether, and listen to it through your implants.

In 10 years it will be likely that you will not actually own a physical music collection(unless you are a specialist vinyl collector), and you will be able to access it anywhere in a metropolitan area via a wireless citywide LAN.

In 25 years you will probably have cochlear implants or a decendant of the concept just as a matter of convienience. Why carry a cell phone or a MP3 player when you can just stream everything into your implant. News, Sports, Weather, anything you need will be available directly through neuro-implants.

Anyway, Tristan, after the beating anyone involved with dance music has given their ears over the years, I imagine anything will sound better than our regular hearing in 2025. I will be 48, and you will be 51 I believe. ;)

Take care,

From: Phonopsia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [313] technology vs. art
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 09:37:40 -0500

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 2:22 AM
Subject: Re: [313] technology vs. art

> Do you want to die of a heart attack when you can have a replacement
> or have a mechanical one installed? Do you want to be deaf when you can
> cochlear implants(which are on the market today)?

Will techno sound better through cochlear implants, and is there any way we
can download music to them?

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